These requirements form the minimum standards Pallo requires of Ambassadors on any Platform or Traffic Source.
- Ambassadors should always disclose their relationship with Pallo.
- Ambassadors must respect the rules of any platforms they use for promotion.
- Ambassadors cannot change any Pallo product price or offer any additional discount or rebates on any Pallo product or service.
- Ambassadors cannot promote products or tiers with misleading claims.
- Pallo does not accept unavailable, incomplete, broken, empty pages or pages that can't guarantee satisfactory user experience.
- Ambassadors cannot use disruptive techniques like pop up banners, cookie stuffing, toolbars and browser extensions, plug-ins, or any other sort of unstandardized activity unless specifically approved by Pallo.
- Ambassadors cannot use bots or automated activity unless approved by Pallo.
- Ambassadors cannot use non-transparent publishers sites and subnetworks. Pallo needs to be able to understand the user journey and sub-publishers within our Ambassador's networks.
- Pallo does not allow inappropriate use of Pallo's brand (click-bait, intended errors, dark patterns, etc).
- Ambassadors must comply with all its contractual obligations under its contract with any relevant network provider.
- Ambassadors must comply all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and industry standards, including without limitation, those related to privacy and security, advertising, unfair and deceptive trade practices, gambling, contest and sweepstakes, and tax laws.
- Ambassadors cannot advertise Pallo on any website, blog, social media source or equivalent platform where any objectionable content is displayed.